Professional counselling with ASPIC, An extract from the thesis
Extract from the thesis concluding the ASPIC professional counselling course
in Milan, presented in December 2015
[multilanguage_switcher][multilanguage_switcher]“Keep everything” – the appl…
Biodanza for people with mental disorders, the Art of Living
[multilanguage_switcher]For many, the mental discomfort that afflicts some is still today, a difficult situation to accept, above all when it is not possible to overcome certain prejudices. It is thought that these disadvantaged people have a meaning…
Biodanza and Psychology
What is Biodanza?
Its name means “the dance of life”.
This means placing music, movement and emotion in one’s life.
Biodanza is a method that stimulates the expression and development of one’s resources, favouring well-being, communication, creati…
The priority of You
[multilanguage_switcher]The priority of You: I am because You are
Biodanza and Ethics according to Emmanuel Lévinas
by Silvia Signorelli – 2018
Since the nineties, Rolando Toro Araneda (1924-2010), founder of the Biodanza System, dedicated himse…
¿Qué significa para mi la Biodanza?
CENTRO DE DESARROLLO BIOCÉNTRICO Y DE BIODANZA EN MÉXICO, S.C. Sistema Rolando Toro Araneda_Scuolatoro Società Cooperativa Sociale ¿QUIÉN SOY? Soy Susana Bastian, brasileña de nacimiento y mexicana, por naturalización. Sin embargo, en mi corazón, no hay fronteras, ni naciones, ni grupos de poder artificial. Respeto el poder de la Vida, Read more…
When I started Biodanza ...
Rolando Toro Araneda System _Scuolatoro Società Cooperativa Sociale
When I started Biodanza I remember looking for pretexts to leave … If they had…
Rolando Toro - Biography
[multilanguage_switcher]Rolando Toro Araneda, born in Concepción (Chile) on April 19, 1924, died at the age of 85 on February 16, 2010 in Santiago, Chile. He was a psychologist and pedagogue, anthropologist, painter, musician and poet.
Open Letter
[multilanguage_switcher layout="flags-icons"]“If the world doesn’t have a house for you build one for yourself.”
So goes the popular motto inviting one to willingly assume their own vocation, their own destiny. And this is what we have done. After th…